Harnham Infant School Governing Body
The  governors play a central role in the management of the school and have a close working relationship with the Headteacher in the running of the school. Although each governor has their own role to play, we all work as a team and have a collective responsibility for the decisions that are made about the school.
We are organised into different committees but are all accountable for school development and improvement. As well as the Full Governing Body, we have a Curriculum Committee, Health and Safety Committee, Staffing Committee and Finance Committee.Â
At Harnham Infant School the governors are always available to listen to you - the parents and your child. You can find out more about us below.Â
If you would like to contact the school governors, you can email chair@harnham-inf.wilts.sch.uk
Governor Information
Meet the team

Beth Evans
Chair of Governors
Beth has been a governor for over 4 years and appointed by the Local Authority. She is also of the chair of the Curriculum Committee and link governor for EYFS, RE and More Able children.

Helen Bowyer
Clerk to the Governors
Helen is also the Harnham Infant School admin officer. She is very passionate about infant education and helps to keep the team organised, efficient and effective.

Natasha Dorrington
Natasha joined Harnham Infant School in 2010 and became Headteacher in 2017. She sits on every committee and ensures the governors are central to any decision making about how to improve our school and provide children the best possible education.

Laura Pike
Co-opted Governor
As you know, Laura is our Deputy Head and has been a co-opted governor since starting at Harnham Infants in 2017. Laura is on the Curriculum, Finance and Welfare Committees.

Efrim Niccals
Co-opted Governor
Efrim is a Co-opted governor and has been part of the team since 2019. She is on the Curriculum and Staffing committees and is also the link governor for Rights Respecting Schools and Geography.

Fawn Sowerby
Staff Governor
Fawn is our Staff Governor and joined the team in November 2020. Fawn is on the Curriculum and Health and Safety Committees, since these are two of her main responsibilities within the Senior Leadership Team too.

Sally Ross
Parent Governor
Sally is a parent governor and has been part of the committee since March 2020. Sally has a daughter who is currently in Reception.
Sally is part of both the Curriculum and Welfare committees and is link governor for Monitoring and Evaluation and SEND.

Sarah Heaven
Parent Governor
Sarah is a parent governor who has a child in year 1. She joined the team in March 2024.

Matthew Trigg
Parent Governor
Matthew is new to the Governing Body as of November 2021. He has a daughter who is currently in Year 2.
Matthew sits on the Finance Committee and is link governor for the School Website.

Rebecca Broadley
Parent Governor
Rebecca joined our Governing Body in November 2021.
Rececca sits on the Finance Committee and is link governor for Forest School.

Elizabeth Jennings
Co-opted Governor
Elizabeth joined the governing body in March 2023. As a retired teacher, we are excited for the expertise and experience she brings to the role.
Elizabeth is on the Curriculum Committee and is link governor for Safeguarding and English.

Jon Murley, MBE
Co-opted Governor
Jon joined the governing body in March 2023. As a retired Army officer, he has a wealth of experience to bring to the school and is passionate about children's education.
Jon is the link governor for PE.

Chris Greenwood
Parent Governor