At Harnham Infant School, we place an incredibly high value on our relationships with parents. An effective parent partnership involving two way communication is vital to children's success and educational development.
Here are just some of the ways in which we encourage parents to get involved at Harnham Infant School:
Being available to talk to daily, either on the gate or playground at the beginning and end of each day
An informative and detailed school website.
Writing a weekly blog entry of key learning from the week and sharing photographs via our online learning platform, Seesaw.
Parents can use Seesaw to upload photographs and videos from home.
Access to the class teacher via class email addresses.
Sending home weekly newsletters.
Sending email and text message updates to parents.
Invitations to attend Celebration Assemblies.
Providing opportunities for parents to get involved e.g. by attending a ‘Stay and’ session.
Giving parents opportunities to attend school shows, museums, sports days etc.
Holding regular ‘Coffee and Chat’ sessions for parents.
Opportunities to volunteer and support in the classrooms.
Conducting parent questionnaires to ascertain valuable feedback.
Organising regular parent and teacher evenings to discuss children’s progress and next steps for learning.
Sending home summative written reports about your child’s progress and development.
Encouraging parental involvement in the HSA (Harnham Schools Association) and support at events such as Saturday Sweep Up days.